Friday, December 08, 2017

I think...

I think…

I think we, Humans, take things for granted.
Things that people do for each other.
Things that people do with each other; and also,
Things people do to each other.
We take them all for granted; till.
Till these things are pulled away.
One tiny shred at a time.
One fine stray string of linen, hanging to the side of the shroud.
Shroud that covered them, once.
Pulling the string, dissembling the shroud, painlessly (or may be sans-cognition) at first.
And then with vertebrae splattering pain, emanating from memories.

But then I also think that some of them have cracked the code.
To an extent that it is no longer a strain to cope up.
Or heartburn to fizzle out.
It is no longer an ache that unsettles like lovelorn souls.
Or perturbs the very core of beliefs and priorities.
It is also no more a tussle between individualities.
Or the undercurrent of ego and the Notion of self-respect.
It is also a far cry from the slip of words that used to bruise.
Or a mistimed repartee that misfired because, well, it was mistimed.
I think some of them have cracked the code of embracing each other’s shortcomings.
And letting them seep through their judgments, without the risk of being judged.

And then I realize that these people have understood well.
That the strength of people who are together lies in;
The empowerment that they bring to each other.
And the efficiency with which they can accumulate and disperse love.
The urgency that they can show towards concerns, while still keeping arm’s length.
And leniency they can bestow when anyone falters, even to the dismay of personal preferences, at times.
The love that is so underrated that it becomes the undercurrent rather than just a strong-urge.
And trust that comes with experiences and not emotives, over time.
That it is ok to lose battles, even the most important ones.
And be comfortable with the loss, collectively.
I realize that such people have understood well the concept of togetherness.
And have reached the stage of taking pride in the same.

I think, we need more such people.
I think, we should become such people.