Saturday, September 27, 2008

Delhi Rocks !!! Rein of Terror !!!

This time it was a black Saturday for Mehrauli

Target :: Again an overtly Democratized common man.

Reason :: To hit-bang on our national pride, our self confidence.

Ammunition :: Hatred,Jealousy.

Its probably been the blackest fortnight of my life.Never have I experienced the bout of emotions against terrorism , the way I was feeling this time. May be because this time I was a mere whisker off from the possibility of getting hit.But frankly speaking this is very unfortunate.Why does it always take a narrow escape for us to start appreciating life or to start hating the unnatural causes of death.Terrorism and extremism to name a few.Were we not facing such problems in Punjab and Kashmir for decades .Is it not something which is commonplace in Bihar and Jharkhand.Is it not a fear which millions of less fortunate BPLs face all the time. The fear of un-called-for Death.

Since past couple of weeks this particular thought has been crossing my mind like a whirlwind.Repatedly and every other impact greater than the last.What exactly are these guys trying to prove?What is it that they intend to achieve through such attacks? Do they wish to convey to us that they are some crusaders who want to bring a glorifying accolade to their organization/community or are they a part of the bunch which thinks that Indian democracy is too good and example of successful democracy than they can digest and live with.What exactly is the psyche? I mean planting so many explosives in the most crowded market place of National Capital needs very strong set of emotions and rationales. Nobody can just for the heck of it do it without being doubly sure of the very motive.I just don’t know.

On 13th September I was on my way back to Meerut.Got the news reg the blast in front of my office on my way only.By the time I reached home all the explosions had happened.I just was totally perturbed and wayward,not knowing whatz happening.Came out of my room to breath in fresh air when found this sleazy reptile gobbling up its prey.Could not help relate it with blasts.Is this not what is happening. every other day in the country.Are we, common man, not being fed to these bloody miscreants.Ain’t we just keeping our fingers crossed,praying that the next blast does not happen near our homes.But are we so nimble footed.I seriously don’t think so.I guess this is the high time we learn our lessons.This is the time we realize that life is not gonna’ be the same again and we need to be ultra cautious and attentive;proactive and generous.All at the same time.

I believe we all need to be tough and strong willed.We gotta prove our mettle to these bloody miscreants who seem to think that we Indians are morally impotent and democratically handicapped.This is the time to prove that democracy doesnot mean waiting for generating unanimous public opine.Its all about sculpting the public opine the way you think is righteous and correct.Its about manning Noah's ark towards the virtuos horizons.

So shall we !!! Shall we stop being अकेले पेड़ों का तूफ़ान !!!

हिन्दी हैं हम वतन है,हिन्दुस्तान हमारा !!! जय हिंद जय भारत !!!


  1. Well Said Mohit but the fact is that we have become numb and such pangs of anxiety fear and emotions seldom effect. the life has become so occupied that now it really does not matter what happens around becoz after 1/2 hour mourning and teeth clenching commentary on the inefficiencies of the government and our individual and collective failure as society to stop these things we get back to the schedule we have become so accustomed to and that leaves no space for anything else. Our loans , family problems targets salary increment does not give us enough time to deal with these less important aspects of lives and our society.

    Sample this inspite of whatever is happening people still have a courage to give life and perhaps just perhaps bring their infants up in false hope of safe and secure future. Well i shudder at the mere thought of what the future may be like if we keep going on like this, but we are Indians and we all believe the eternal concept of "Anth Sukhaya" or Happys Endings as quoted one of the famous film stars in his recent film. But honestly how much time more for the much promised and awaited happy ending...

    Thats the question I would like to leave you with while I try and calm the whirlpool of thoughts which you have raised.................


    Chinar Joshi

  2. What is it that you are expecting the people of India to do??stand up and fight the terrorists??do u have any clue how they look??even when a so called terrorist is caught, he is shown covered in cloth from head to foot with only those remorse less eyes staring at the screen.
    An average Indian might not be able to recognize a terrorist even if the person is standing beside him.Such bastards should be brought to justice in full view of public. Hatred is too strong an emotion.When one suffers another's hatred, its like a parasite eating away into you. Imagine the power of disgust and hatred such fools would face when in public.Such unworthy souls should be stoned to death.Thats the only justice they deserve.
