Since nothing per-se is oozing out from the vents of my semi-dysfunctional neurological HEAD-set, posting a recent discussion on Face Book profile. It had that ol’ sense of intellectual brainstorming and repercussion analysis, so quite liked it[For first time readers,when I say ol' and am happy about it,please take it to be of HBTI era ;-) ] ... Random but worth reading.
Background: Center’s admission to demands of a separate state down South. Obviously other politicos to follow!!!
Characters (some of them!) – Anand Sahu (HSBC), Vikash Sinha, Nikhil Anand, Nitin Srivastava,(HBTI Kanpur) and Yours Truly !
Mohit Chauhan Telangana fallout: Maya wants UP into 3...Jaswant for Gorkhaland...Me for Chauhanangana !!! Very soon India which is everybody's 1 democracy will become 1 democracy for each one of us !!!
Anand Sahu: Kam se kam koi reservation nahi hoga na koi minority hogi ‘coz everybody would be running his own demo. Some great person has said – ‘Democracy is the worst form of democracy you don’t get what you elect but you get what you deserve’..If Gandhi had a right to endorse the partition, rest everybody is forbidden. So just enjoy world’s biggest Democracy..
Mohit Chauhan : I couldn’t agree more Anand san !!! Waise bhi we Indians are known to be good learners..and we learnt damn well when British taught us Divide and Rule..We love it still !!!
Anand Sahu : Mohit with all due respect to your thought and wishes which would be mine too, would like you to get placed your facts correct. There is a difference between the governance policy and phrases passed to generations. Post Asoka it was only East India company which governed the biggest piece of this sub continent under one flag. even greater than Chandragupta Maurya II and Akbar. post that I have only seen divisions and divisions. pls let me know any reunions in this land. we guys definitely love to get divided and be ruled and ruled by others.. Are leaders are truly good learners. They know very well if you can’t have the entire pie of state in your mouth, then bite it into pieces. Result few more Swiss account holders like Siren and Kodas.
Mohit Chauhan : Absolutely agree with you Anand San !!! That’s what I meant when I said we are good learners. Any great ruler who ruled over any part of the world always thought of one unified world, whether it is Napoleon,Alexander,Chandragupta - II,Babur,Akbar or whoever ‘Coz they always knew that the administration works the best that ways, resources to distribute simply..But now it all is just done with coz as u rightly said, our politicos just know that pie is what they can best manage/plunder and harassedly exploit coz they just simply cant be role leaders..Period !!! EIC just knew how to place bets right and then they had patience..Loads of it..nobody waits for 150 years to invest in future resources. It did.
Nikhil Anand : As per my understanding and opinion this kind of disintegration is not necessarily bad. Like take example of Uttaranchal, ppl there were furious over many years before the evolution of new state. The economic contribution of Uttaranchal (Hyd. Elec. Pow. & tourism) in UP was a handsome chunk and they were getting peanuts in return for development. Same may have been the case with Telangana. This was the reason of their anger and it happens when ppl are ignored and polarized development occurs. Now u can see the amazing industrial growth thus employment and per capita income there. What happens with a business organization when it grows in market? U need to increase manpower, even in HR. Similarly if the govt. administration unable to match the work demand caused by growth and development, it needs to expand or increase its efficiency. We all know latter can't increase as all intellects including me (may be overrated) sit outside. So there are positive things also associated with the division. But it should be done in peaceful manner. Not on the roads burning the buses, damaging public property.
Nitin Srivastava : Thanks to Mohit for giving a brilliant idea for a new Dil Se cartoon. have a look at it - . I don't completely disagree with Nikhil. I have seen Uttaranchal before the division and after the division..there is a BIG difference. BUT that positive difference was short lived..people are now again the Paharis and Tarai people are fighting for power in the
state. The state Govt. has done just 5% of what was expected to be done in terms of Tourism, Hydel Elect production and development in remote areas. Even if you go to past Mussourie and will find few villages which are still waiting for proper electricity connections and availability. A state which has maximum potential to generate Hydel Electricity if cannot distribute and provide it to its people, how in this world they are going to sell it and earn money. Divisions have good impact only if people who are going to govern those smaller chunks are ready to focus on the growth and development. BUT the problem is these vampires are there to suck the blood of the masses and do nothing else. As far as Telangana is concerned, I would say, this division was inevitable. I remember when I was in Hyderabad and we planned a trip to Vizag. The villages we passed through in between have no infrastructure support, Govt is happy just to show off Hyderabad on world map. The number of naxalites in AP is so high because of this attitude of Govt. Why does not anything like burning Govt vehicles, jamming streets happen in US-because everyone is busy and working. Govt provides them employment opportunities. The data released every month about number of ppl unemployed is 5lac or less in US and what our Govt does; they simply target to create 1 lac jobs in next 2 years. These bunches of shits don't even target something higher.
Vikash Kumar Sinha : Indians need to unite, take lesson from Europe. After having separate countries, now they are trying to forge European Union where free movement of people is not only helping businesses but also the life of common people in the associated countries. Euro is valued better than US dollar and is considered to be a safe currency. The only thing India needs is unification and by pushing differences of religion, region or caste will push the country on the backward path. People should understand that the bloody politicians are playing with the emotions of the common man to serve their own bloody means. The philosophy of MNS and the politics played on dividing states both are having the same motive of dividing people and gaining power. Wake up India and wake up Indians. I do not justify any reason for division of states. the MPLAD fund and MLA funds have millions of rupees. why the hell the people are not voting for the right person who utilizes these funds properly. I have heard planning commission head Montek Singh Ahluwalia accepting on national television that the situation has improved from Rajiv Gandhi’s time and now, around 50 paisa is utilized properly for every rupee sanctioned by the government and he was proud of it--- It simply means that the budgeting of the government for development plans do not reach the ground level. I have heard backward politics played by politicians with respect to education policy. BJP governments in many states want the local language to be promoted by having medium of instruction in local language for primary education. Come on, the kid of every filthy rich politician in India goes to English medium schools and when it comes to higher education poor people specially studying in their local language find it tough. Society and culture do change with times. India of Humayun Kabir is a land of fusion of cultures. it has been there for centuries and by studying in English medium we do not stop believing in India or Indians or local language or culture.. the politicians want the high status not only for them but for their kids as well, they are deluding us..we should not trap ourselves in their mean designs. China is far ahead of India in building infrastructure because of its centralized system.. why can´t people in India get it done by centralized government bodies. the Cauvery water row, the power selling problems within states.. come on. India needs a centralized infrastructure building.. the state governments fight and it is the people who loose in the end
Anand Sahu : Vikash very true..this shows why at a time they governed the world for 300 years..and now even..they dominate ( US and Australia is populated at coasts only and done mainly by britishers)..Nitin / Nikhil..I don’t blame you..all would request to revisit the basic of admin , micro and macro eco. The basics are always same. Small units are always good for big projects but to be controlled by one leader. Here what you talk about is something else. The only parted state did some good for short term was due to natural source / resources available there. Post getting it drained them are back to square one. There is nothing great they did on admin and leadership.
Mohit Chauhan : Hey !!! I think the discussion is going in a very positive direction..I think every country is different so is the socio economic paradigm it works in..India unfortunately is a melting pot of ideologies if not culture alone..And that’s the issue. Ideologies bring along ego and inapt notions about oneself..That’s happening here too. I agree a bit with Nikhil when he says about better management but then at what cost..My home, even if better managed in nuclear fashion, would certainly be much better off for my next generation if everybody is together..Maybe I am wrong but that my hypothesis.. And ofc,great stuff again Nitin !
Anand Sahu : Yes Nitin has done excellent job..nice site too..Mohit you are absolutley correct. also even if you do well today does'nt means you should get parted from your brother and family who would not be doing as good as you "Today" just to ensure a better luxury in terms of increased family disposal income. What about the growth for tomorrow and social security a macro level. How far the next generation will sustain.
Vikash Kumar Sinha : I couldn´t agree more to Anand and Mohit.. I have the same vision of shared future for Indians as Mohit talks of in his last sentence. I hope despite these differences of culture and ideologies, we all Indians will work together with honesty, enthusiasm and optimism to achieve this.
Anand Sahu : Vikash..everybody is doing the same least everybody feels so..but in which direction..let me explain you in a simple manner. Hundred workers of very different linguistic skills, religion, culture and ideologies are laying bricks to construct a wall with full honesty, enthusiasm and optimism. Tell me which worker will tell the wall being built is correct, as required and as per norms. Construction of wall will have noting correlated with culture and ideologies and religion of workers. To phir har baar last mein iska raag kyon alaapte hain HUM LOG.. we are discussing leadership, foresight and admin failures being the main coz of daily arising demands of separatism and reservations..and you are putting stress on culture, ideologies, Indians will work together with honesty, enthusiasm and optimism ..matlab pichle 60 years nahi kar rahe..ya mohit saab roj 12.00 noon ko so ke jagte hai aur mein rof faaltu hota hoon.
Vikash Kumar Sinha : Anand. last sixty years, Indians have concentrated more on I and my family [ though my caste (in the whole country, more prominent as a political plank after Mandal Commission) and my region(in some developed parts of the country) philosophies were there which were capitalized on well by the politicians and at times by antisocial elements..]The difference between India and "the most hated neighbor of India" has been that this difference of culture, religion and region has contributed to a democratic thought despite the divided attitude of people who considered the national unity despite their ideological differences.. we have been like a ball dropped on the slope of time..moving and gathering momentum.. We have fared well because of the survival of democracy.. (Other wise fundamentalist forces would have made us weak as they have done in our neighboring country) Now I see a difference of attitude in the new generation.. yet I see a lot of educated people going in for MNS and BJPs hardcore decade old philosophy.. Our education system makes us "honest parrots" and despite the rise in income and education levels, I see all Indians including me lacking in values and ethics..and this is why we pay to corrupt politicians and clerks in government offices to get our work done (In corruption index India has still been downgraded.. there has been a rise in corruption) We have been taught in our schools "mera desh mahan" though truck drivers also know "100 main 99 baimaan"---Take another scenario.. with how many neighbors, India is having good relations.. Going closer to USA or still trying to be closer to Russia.. at least I do not see where are we heading in our international diplomacy.If we see the current situation of India struggling with J&K, Northeast problems and Naxalism (find out the percentage of Indian region affected by separatist movements, believe me it is scary.. we are sitting on a satchel charge), we will find that it is not exactly admin failures that have contributed to such scenarios..these are the incognito behind a more destructive designs.. It is the more fundamental shift in the ideology of common man misguided by a few who do not want to see India united because it is in their interest of future to gain power.. Actually asking for a separate state is OK to some extent but again it will make a potential problem of future.. Politicians are trying to gain more power.. Tell me Bihar and Orissa were carved out of Bengal long back still the region remains backward.. why despite being separated from Bihar, Jharkhand is not doing well.. TRS sold its ideology to gain power in Andhra after winning a good number of seats previously..Still embryonic in terms of development of cohesive forces that bind the country, India is actually not doing well despite media hype..(I have cited these to make you realize that we r not doing “very well” despite our media hype, the difference in income and disparity is poised to grow and a youth in the rural undeveloped area is definitely going to fight for getting more facilities.. in fact he is the potential catch for people who want separatist movements) It is not the politicians or a failure of bureaucrats.. It has been the failure of Indians.. In democracy.. you get what you vote for.... If we do not wake up to these challenges now and do not see the problem in its entirety, we will definitely face difficulties..Actually the very strength of democracy (diversity of culture and region and religion) of our past is making our future bleak..Look, now because of underdevelopment, people are asking for a separate state and are being provoked by a few.. Once after they get the state and again the development doesn´t happen.. they will ask for a separate country.. you know why? Because they r misled by a few... those few they choose first didn´t deliver and then another few forced them to have a separate state.. and again if they do not deliver.. another few will fuel them to have a separate country.. It is not the failure of leadership.. it is not the admin failure.. It is we.. we greedy educated people knowingly or unknowingly force government to invest more on urban regions so that we have better life.. we all were selfish, still are (as I have quoted in my first line as well) and this is what we need to change.. we need to change ourselves.. the system will change by itself. The underlying problem is not the admin failure. The strength of India is its diversity which becomes a threat of we don’t understand it. We need more homogeneous society and that is where I supported Mohit and shared his idea of united India.. Can we bring an all inclusive solution and work on it (action is important.. I know my writing is not going to change anything)
Mohit Chauhan : Great thoughts Anand,Vikash,Nikhil,Nitin.I guess we all share one common idea at the end of the day !! One unified Country.Isnt' it ? The issue is that as Vikash rightly said,we are still are being misled by few politicos. It’s basic to understand that they are PROFESSIONALS and not novices. They know what works best for THEM.I am sorry to say but how many of us stick to our companies coz we just cant stop loving them..I am sure not many. Most of us including me prioritize their basics first;family,commerce,time..Even politicos do the same..Totally..Idealistic governance has ceased existence in our colleges and institutions, leave government.Vikash/Nitin - Remember the way we used to work for our college fests and all. What was the motive..We used to love our college like anything? I never did..I just loved the idea of contributing to whomever,peers,seniors,buddies..But guess that made us achieve great stuffs and is still keeping us live..Nitin has become entrepreneurial,Vikash is pursuing his dream,I still have that fire somewhere,intact..Why - 'coz we want to contribute, still..Issue is, politicos have different priorities..because after all they too are the common man origin who have come up the ladder and have surpassed many others in the race to stardom (!)Now it’s difficult to let go..This state issue - Mayawati knows that another term in UP is impossible for her party, thus separate state. Similarly for AP,WB,even Bihar,UA,NE..It’s all selfish exercise though in some cases it might prove out to be good, the end results are always disastrous..Ask merit hurts to tell people from other state that UA was where I spent best of my school breaks..and the territory that I love the most..But it was not a separate state then..I am just a conservative..I hate changes, more so when they are driven by selfish motives..Which truly is the case..
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