Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Rule of 21 and other random gyaan !

The Rule of 21 !!! That's been my Gtalk status for quite some time and many of the folks around found it quite intriguing ... As in, what exactly is this strange rule and how does it find place on my gtalk ... So here it goes, for all those who think its worth an explanation.

The rule of 21, as per Robin Sharma (Oh yes the left handed 40 something young chap who was known to leg sweep balls hitting out of his off stump. Huh ... Get a life ... That was Robin Singh) the author of The monk who sold his Ferrari and couple of thousand similar titles ; says that any conduct or practice if repeated for 21 days transforms into a Habit ... Very useful info for those who can count the days that lapse between 3 consecutive weekends ... So that's what is there to talk about The Rule of 21 ...

So? As in what so? Oh, you mean so how does it land onto my gtalk status. Yeah, I kinda' alarmingly needed this kind of a rule for something that was very difficult to shrug off or rather put off ... Very very adhesive inherently ... Not something that's bad or addictive ... Or maybe I can retain addictive .. Take off bad ... Addictive it was ... So, that's what I do ... Once resolved, I just clinged to this rule and trust me, it kind of works ... Not only with substance, material et al but also emotive disorders of first kind ... Observation !!!

So, if you are like say addicted to alcohol, try this. Wanna quit smoking. Give it a shot . Want to move on over someone or maybe recover your self-respect,identity, try it once, desperately intend to fall in love, ahem ... Ok not sure but what harm in trying anyways ... 

In fact, as I write, I also realise that I always had this inbuilt mechanism to apply Rule of 21 since ever. Even before I read Robin Singh's book. Ok,cut Singh,replace with Sharma. Just that I always called it as will power ... So, 10 years on, I still dont eat Rajma, salt over cooked food, spilling abuses ... See... It works ...

So,this is how it found its way onto my status and sat pretty till this new Marasim thing replaced it :-) Gulzar above all ...

But nothing above self-identity and self-respect ... Guess so ...

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