Monday, April 14, 2008

A mixed weekend !!!

Not sure if this is something that every individual experiences at one junction or the other but I have always felt that with me, unpredictability renders the best kick. Dunno' but every time I exhaustively and insightfullly plan something, I am left with blues. Probably it happens 'coz the kind of person I am, I expect justifiable ROI from even time-resource. Time that has gone into planning and the time that has gone into implementation.

Now this weekend I had a 3 days off (adv of being a banker) and thus planned to at least endeavor in some way as to entertain my so very reasonably patient wife. But then there chipped in a factor of a marriage to be attended. I redefined my idea of entertaining her by deciding to taking her along. This was a part of my two pronged strategy; one entertaining her through our typical baraati-shows and secondly, getting her introduced to my set of friends.

The whole strategy went in shambles when she was really not amused with this baaraat that actually started at 0100 Hrs (1 AM i.e.), more so when we had to drive for 3 hrs to reach this place. And then on the interaction bit, I really wasn’t expecting much of communication from a hoarde of some 20+ fultoo spirited souls :-) For 3 hours Priyanka and I were sitting all by ourselves in the lawns waiting for either baaraat to begin or the daaru-party to get over. None happened before the wee hours.:-)

No remorse. The best part of the whole schedule was the visit to this nice 'structure' called Akshardham in Delhi. I called it a structure because it indeed was one. Its a lovely place with great spawn and architecture. Aesthetically delightful. Just that my still alive inquisitive self could not comprehend as in if maybe a free institution or school would have had been a better idea. Not sure. May be. Totally the prerogative and call of the Mission people but then I just felt that the same space could have had educated a whole generation of Delhi. Just a thought!

Anyways,the best thing about the temple was that it reminded me of my childhood days when I used to read all the KALYANS I could get hold of and watch as many mythological movies. I doubt if my children would ever want to proactively know about Nachiketa, Dhruv, Charak, Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta and likes. Or probably I am sensitized now. Lets take atleast the education home.:-)

For the time being, looking forward to the next weekend which again is clubbed with a Friday off. :-) Great life…

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